Types of Lines
Types of Lines: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Straight Lines, Curved Lines, Slanting Lines, Types of Lines, A Line, Sleeping Lines and, Standing Lines
Important Questions on Types of Lines
This line is cm long. Increase the length by cm.

The lines are:

Follow the dots and join the points AB and CD. State what kind of lines they are.

Name the kind of line the artist has used to form the hair on the face in this picture.

Name the kind of line the artist has used to form the hair on the face in this picture.

Name the kind of line the artist has used to form the hair on the face in this picture.

A curved line can be measured by a ruler.

We can count the number of points on a line.

A line cannot be extended on either sides.

Count the number of slanting lines in the given figure.

How many standing lines are there

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Count the number of straight lines in the below figure.

Write the number of:
Horizontal lines
Vertical lines
Slant lines

Write the number of:
Horizontal lines
Vertical lines
Slant lines

Count and write the number of:
Horizontal lines
Vertical lines
Slant lines